Jack Macklin Board Butter


A blend of food safe mineral oil and organic, unprocessed local bees wax plus a natural proprietary blend of organic preservatives that will nourish the wood and protect against bacteria.

This 2oz tin will last at least a full year. You only need the smallest amount rubbed in thoroughly to give your board the longest life possible.

This product comes free with the purchase of any cutting board purchased through my shop.

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A blend of food safe mineral oil and organic, unprocessed local bees wax plus a natural proprietary blend of organic preservatives that will nourish the wood and protect against bacteria.

This 2oz tin will last at least a full year. You only need the smallest amount rubbed in thoroughly to give your board the longest life possible.

This product comes free with the purchase of any cutting board purchased through my shop.

A blend of food safe mineral oil and organic, unprocessed local bees wax plus a natural proprietary blend of organic preservatives that will nourish the wood and protect against bacteria.

This 2oz tin will last at least a full year. You only need the smallest amount rubbed in thoroughly to give your board the longest life possible.

This product comes free with the purchase of any cutting board purchased through my shop.